Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Mercedes Cycle

Merecedes has come out with a Rs1.5 Lacks Cycle. Check out the story here.
More photos here
C R A Z Y !!!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Would you be able to use this keyboard?

Check out this keyboard from http://www.daskeyboard.com/

The introduction reads as follows :

Type up to 100% faster in a few weeks!

Since there is no key to look at when typing, your brain will quickly adapt and memorize the key positions and you will find yourself typing a lot faster with more accuracy in no time. It is amazing how slow typers almost double their speed and quick typers

I really do agree that it would surely help me remember the keys a lot better. I dont type too fast and too accrately. I cant type without looking a the keyboard, I have to see it from time to time while typing. I would like to try out this keyboard.

Anyone out there has 80$ to spare ? With just 80$ you can improve the life of a poor/underpaid, over worked programmer :)