Creating Passionate Users
Creating Passionate Users is the blog by the authors of the Head First Series of books.
Its going to be fun to read this !!
Hi ! Welcome to Chirag's Blog. I am serving here a bhelpuri of all the random stuff that I find interesting. In my bhel you may find jokes, cartoons, java related techincal notes/links, comments on events/people, thoughts about issues, rants and anything else that I can imagine.
Creating Passionate Users is the blog by the authors of the Head First Series of books.
Its going to be fun to read this !!
Check this out for some amazingly high resolution pictures. Go to the image Gallery, it is truely amazing.
Defining the upper limits of large-format photography, digital scanning and image processing, custom-built Gigapxl™ cameras capture images with unprecedented resolution.
It would take a video wall of 10,000 television screens or 600 prints from a professional digital SLR camera to capture as much information as that contained in a single Gigapxl™ exposure.
The Project's near-term goal is to compile a coast-to-coast portrait of America; photographing her cities, parks and monuments in exquisite detail.
A longer term goal is to create for future generations a world-wide archive of vanishing cultural and archaeological sites.
This link shows some very nice panoramic pictures from the Apollo missions.
I came to know about it from here. There is some funny discussions going on there about the good old theory that the US mission to the moon was a fake. Read it if you are looking for some timepass.
Once on the panoramic vies site, you can check out the other panoramic views of some other popular tourist spots.
Check out this video. This bird is a star !
Meet the flying Jhonny Level .
For more star pets visit the Pet Start Tournament Tree.